Is God Real? Do you ever wonder if God is real? And if God is real what kind of God do you believe in? On Messages Of Hope this week, Noel Due will share the stories of four people. They had every reason not to believe in God, and yet somehow, God still brought them […]
What About The Carer
“I’ve become his carer and his protector. That role of changing from being a wife to that element of carer, that’s massive. Sometimes I’m just terrified.” On Messages Of Hope this week we’re talking with Therese about adjusting from wife to carer. What are the challenges and how did she cope?
Spirit of Hope
Have you ever been embarrassed in public for a mistake you’ve made? What did it feel like? It can be hard to get over the ridicule from others, so I hope you can join us this week to hear some encouragement for the times we feel put down.
Near Heaven
I’m Richard Fox from Messages of Hope. I hope you can join us this week to hear about Dirk and Penny’s near heaven experience. How did they make sense of it at the time and what has it meant in over ten years since then?
What The World Needs
What The World Needs Do you feel hopeful? This week Mark Doecke shares how God can give hope that rises above uncertainty. Where does your hope come from? Listen to the program Read the script Order the booklet
Family Violence
No-one is immune from the threat of domestic and family violence. We’re shocked by the intensity of it and feel helpless when confronted by it. Join us this week as we search for hope in the face of such a widespread and destructive problem.
Not Like That You Don’t!!
Petrol pump attendant, secretary, teacher, foster parent, writer and mother of two daughters. These are just a few of the roles that describe our guest on Messages of Hope this week, Yvonne Coppard. Yvonne is from the UK and I’ll be talking with her about things that have shaped her life and her approach to parenting.
Tears In The Morning
Have you ever experienced tears of joy and sadness at the same time! Perhaps it’s those milestones as your children grow up and become more independent. Or the wake after a funeral, as you remember the good times amongst the deep feelings of loss. How do you make sense of times like that? And where do you find the hope to keep moving forward. This week David Altus has encouragement for those times that we feel lost in grief.
Palm Sunday Hero
This week Christians celebrate Palm Sunday. It’s the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem to cheering crowds, who wanted to make him king. Within a week the same people had supported his execution! What can we learn from such a dramatic turnaround? And what does it tell us about a God who allows his own creation to kill him! I hope you can join us this week as John Henderson talks about Palm Sundays hero.
April Fool
Have you ever got caught out on April Fools Day? Some people go to extremes to try and fool others when they least expect it. That can be fine for the one who’s playing the joke, but when you’re on the receiving end, that’s a different story. This week on Messages of Hope, Richard Mau will be giving hope and encouragement for the times we feel foolish.