So You Prayed for a Miracle In this booklet, you’ll discover why Jesus performed miracles of healing. Today, many people wonder why miracles don’t happen, when seemingly they have taken all the appropriate steps to ask for healing. While the miraculous healing done by Jesus was very visible, the most important miracle he performed was […]
Renew The Romance Booklet
Renew the Romance in Your Marriage Do you feel like you’ve traded in romance for the irritation of everyday conflict, a tense feeling at home, and a spouse who doesn’t seem to care about what you need or want? You can renew the romance! Learn to focus on your relationship, the ‘WE’ when problems arise. […]
Parenting – Finding The Fun
Parenting: Finding the Fun Please enter your name and email address below to download the booklet. Name First Last Email(Required) CAPTCHA Δ If you would like a printed version sent to you, click here to order the printed version with your name and postal address details.
Finding Peace Booklet
Finding Peace Anxiety has become epidemic. Many of us are frazzled by family problems, stress at work, financial woes, and a thousand other hassles. If you are chronically troubled by fatigue, edginess, a churning stomach, heart pains, trembling and shaking, dizziness, and/or migraine headaches, you are not alone. Like millions of other people, you may […]
Finding Balance Booklet
Finding Balance Life as a stay-at-home mum of three little bears has me wanting to run away screaming some days. I would love to say that I have a perfectly balanced life, but I don’t. I will continue to make mistakes as I look for more of what is ‘just right’ for me. Yet I […]
Dealing With Depression Booklet
Dealing with Depression Depression affects people from all ages, races, economic groups and genders. It can result from a specific event or a chemical imbalance in the nervous system. The causes are numerous; however, depression should be dealt with effectively so that it can be managed. This booklet explores some of the many causes of […]
Self Control In An Addictive World
Self-Control in an Addictive World Addiction may be our greatest mental, physical, financial and spiritual challenge. When you cannot find self-control, you cannot experience the joy-filled life you want. If you are having difficulty controlling your behavior, you may have some questions: How do I know if I have an addiction? What causes lack of […]
Loneliness We live in a world with more than eight billion people! With so many people, it’s amazing that anyone would ever feel alone. But even though we are surrounded by all these people, many times our suffering and pain go unnoticed. We often feel isolated, cut off from the concerns and compassions we so […]
Your Place In God’s Plan Booklet
Your Place in God’s Plan Discover God’s purpose in your life. Gain a deeper understanding about God’s plans for you. See how God will make the most of your talents and abilities that God has given you. Please enter your name and email address below to download the booklet. Name First Last Email(Required) CAPTCHA Δ […]
Take Heart In Your Grief
Take Heart In Your Grief Grief is caused by many things, the most common reason being the death of someone close to you. While each person experiences grief differently, this booklet explores the common feelings people have during a grieving period. Please enter your name and email address below to download the booklet. Name First […]