Our lives have never been so uncertain. It’s been quite a shock for us. We can’t rely on travel plans or on seeing family when we want to. For some parts of the world that level of uncertainty isn’t new. Listen to Jonathan Krause from the charity, Australian Lutheran World Service. What can we learn from people who live with constant challenges, and often with no end in sight?
Near Heaven
I’m Richard Fox from Messages of Hope. I hope you can join us this week to hear about Dirk and Penny’s near heaven experience. How did they make sense of it at the time and what has it meant in over ten years since then?
Looking Forward, Looking Back
2018 is over and many of us will have already been reminiscing about last year. Have you made any resolutions for a better year in 2019? Do they actually work, or can we make them happen? Listen to Trevor Keller as he talks about how we can look forward with confidence, no matter what kind of a year we’ve had in 2018.
What The World Needs
What The World Needs Do you feel hopeful? This week Mark Doecke shares how God can give hope that rises above uncertainty. Where does your hope come from? Listen to the program http://www.messagesofhope.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/20170618-MessageOnly.mp3 Read the script Order the booklet
What Happens When I Die Booklet
What Happens When I Die There’s an end that awaits us all: death. In this life, few things are as unnerving as our own demise. We encounter the idea of death and dying probably every day-in the news, on countless television programs, among those we know but do we ever really think about what becomes […]
Finding Peace Booklet
Finding Peace Anxiety has become epidemic. Many of us are frazzled by family problems, stress at work, financial woes, and a thousand other hassles. If you are chronically troubled by fatigue, edginess, a churning stomach, heart pains, trembling and shaking, dizziness, and/or migraine headaches, you are not alone. Like millions of other people, you may […]
Get A Grip Booklet
Get A Grip! Is there a cure for the blues? It is said that “misery loves company,” but does that mean that the company you keep loves your misery? We all experience a range of emotions each and every day – the key is to keep our emotions from taking over our outlook on life. […]
A Matter Of Time Booklet
Matter of Time Sometimes it feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Learn how one man found a way to take control of his life with an effective and efficient time management technique. Please enter your name and email address below to download the booklet. Name First Last Email(Required) CAPTCHA Δ If […]
Peace Beyond Reason
What do think of when you hear the word peace? Not the dream of world peace, but inner peace. Peace that works even when the world, and perhaps even you, are in chaos. Are you at peace? Listen to listen as Noel Due shares his reflections on peace and a path to finding it.
Your Place In God’s Plan Booklet
Your Place in God’s Plan Discover God’s purpose in your life. Gain a deeper understanding about God’s plans for you. See how God will make the most of your talents and abilities that God has given you. Please enter your name and email address below to download the booklet. Name First Last Email(Required) CAPTCHA Δ […]