Finding Peace Anxiety has become epidemic. Many of us are frazzled by family problems, stress at work, financial woes, and a thousand other hassles. If you are chronically troubled by fatigue, edginess, a churning stomach, heart pains, trembling and shaking, dizziness, and/or migraine headaches, you are not alone. Like millions of other people, you may […]
Mental Health
Get A Grip Booklet
Get A Grip! Is there a cure for the blues? It is said that “misery loves company,” but does that mean that the company you keep loves your misery? We all experience a range of emotions each and every day – the key is to keep our emotions from taking over our outlook on life. […]
Standing Together With Depression
In recent years it seems like depression, and mental health is on the rise. And we’re particularly seeing it more in our children – but how do we know when it’s depression or normal teenage angst. Listen as Vicki Rochow, a counsellor and a mum who has walked alongside her kid’s depression as well as her own, shares her story.
Send Me An Angel
It would be great if managing depression was purely logical, but depression can be really difficult to manage. For the person struggling with it, and the loved ones who care for them, depression can challenge and test us. But there is hope. Listen to Jane’s story of depression and how she finds hope to live through it.
Dealing With Depression Booklet
Dealing with Depression Depression affects people from all ages, races, economic groups and genders. It can result from a specific event or a chemical imbalance in the nervous system. The causes are numerous but understanding the cause/s of depression should be considered before it can be managed. This booklet explores some of the many causes […]
Dealing with Stress
Life seems to be going 100 miles an hour, people all around us seem to be suffering from burnout and stress. This isn’t something new. But what is it that causes us to feel like it’s all just getting too much? Listen to Ali and Celia chat about what gets us stressed, how we react to it, and what helps us when the crisis hits and the longer term.
Not Good Enough
“I generally feel like I am actually a really good person. Why am I not good enough for my parents to love me?” Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough? The messages we receive as children have a huge impact on the way we see ourselves, and that can stay with us throughout our life. Listen as we talk with Sarah about the challenges she’s faced to feel truly loved and accepted.
Letting Go Of Control
Life can be crazy and chaotic at the best of times, even more so when we’re in a pandemic. Listen as Celia, Noel and Richard discuss how we can live each day when the future is so uncertain.
Coping With Change
Most of us have things we hope for and dream about for the future. But making those changes is often easier said than done. Listen as Richard and Celia share their struggles with change and explore what can give you confidence and peace in change.
Why Not Me?
What questions do you ask when you see, or experience, suffering? Listen as Richard, Celia and Noel share their thoughts and experiences on suffering and where to find hope to get through difficult times.