Many farmers around Australia are experiencing a tough time because of drought. Even with all the best risk management and forward planning, we still can’t control the weather. You may not be a farmer but we all have things we can’t control. Losing a job, poor health, a death in the family. Listen as Richard chats with Tim, a farmer from the Mallee of South Australia. In times of drought where does he find hope?
Natural Disaster
Comfort for Tragedy
What do you do when you’re away from home and you receive a phone call that there is a bushfire in your area? Listen to Richard share how bushfires affected his family and the community he grew up in. How do you pick up the pieces after the devastation of a raging bushfire? Or any devastating tragedy?
Where’s God In All Of This Booklet
Where’s God in All of This? Suffering happens all around us. Sometimes it comes in the form of a natural disaster; other times it’s a form of terror brought on by humans. Sometimes suffering is fueled by economic or medical conditions; at other times it appears randomly. Suffering can happen on a global scale, within […]
Comebacks Booklet
Comebacks For those of us who have blown it or would like a ‘re-do,’ comebacks are high on the agenda. There’s no shortage of things in this world that can ‘rock our boat’ or ‘upset our applecart.’ Natural disasters, human crazies, financial perils, messed-up childhoods—any or all of these can put us down—and keep us […]
Why Do Bad Things Happen
Why Do Bad Things Happen? If you’ve ever wondered where God is when you’re suffering, or you know someone who is feeling deserted by God, Why Do Bad Things Happen? can provide valuable insight. It will show you how God wants to comfort you in all situations. Please enter your name and email address below […]
So You Prayed For A Miracle Booklet
So You Prayed for a Miracle In this booklet, you’ll discover why Jesus performed miracles of healing. Today, many people wonder why miracles don’t happen, when seemingly they have taken all the appropriate steps to ask for healing. While the miraculous healing done by Jesus was very visible, the most important miracle he performed was […]
Take Heart In Your Grief
Take Heart In Your Grief Grief is caused by many things, the most common reason being the death of someone close to you. While each person experiences grief differently, this booklet explores the common feelings people have during a grieving period. Please enter your name and email address below to download the booklet. Name First […]
Living With True Confidence
Living With True Confidence tells the story of the lives of three different women, living in three different places at three different times. Each one faced the world with unshakable confidence and certainty. Join them in living with true confidence.
A New Normal
The coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions forced upon us have brought plenty of challenges, surprises, and the opportunity to reflect on what's important in our lives. Listen as Richard and Celia talk about what our “new normal” might look like as we start to come out of the lock down.
What the World Needs Now
We are living in a world today where people long for hope, yet many have no hope. Christians – followers of Jesus Christ – talk a lot about hope. But hope in what? Do you feel hopeful? Listen as Mark shares how God can give a hope that rises above the uncertainty and anxiety. Where to you find hope?