Living With True Confidence tells the story of the lives of three different women, living in three different places at three different times. Each one faced the world with unshakable confidence and certainty. Join them in living with true confidence.
No Need To Fear
No Need To Fear Anxiety comes in many forms: excessive worry, inability to make even the simplest decisions, discouraging thoughts, edginess, irritability, and panic attacks to name a few. This booklet takes a look at some of the sources of anxiety and points to a source of help and hope so that we can stop […]
Uncertain Financial Future
COVID has really shaken things up over the last year. We’ve lost jobs or we are on less income and the future is still uncertain for many people. So, what do you do when you don’t know what the future holds? Listen to Karl’s inspiring story of facing some of the biggest challenges of his life and how he found a way forward.
Life can be crazy and chaotic at the best of times, even more so when we’re in a pandemic. How do we live each day when the future is so uncertain? Listen to Anna, Richard and Celia share their frustrations and thoughts on what we can hope into in uncertain times.
A New Normal
The coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions forced upon us have brought plenty of challenges, surprises, and the opportunity to reflect on what's important in our lives. Listen as Richard and Celia talk about what our “new normal” might look like as we start to come out of the lock down.
What the World Needs Now
We are living in a world today where people long for hope, yet many have no hope. Christians – followers of Jesus Christ – talk a lot about hope. But hope in what? Do you feel hopeful? Listen as Mark shares how God can give a hope that rises above the uncertainty and anxiety. Where to you find hope?
Facing the Unexpected
We’ve had an overwhelming start to 2020. Bushfires, drought, floods and now a health pandemic. How do we cope with and make sense of all these unexpected disasters? Listen as Noel, Celia and Richard chat about these issues and where to find hope for today, and into the future.
Where Is My Job?
Where Is My Job? Are you or someone you know, struggling with an uncertain future due to job insecurity? The uncertainty around whether or not you have a stable job can create a great amount of stress in your life, and in the lives of others around you. Please join us this week on Messages […]
The Doctor
“A doctor’s job is to cure sometimes, to relieve often and to comfort always.” Do you like visiting the doctor? For some people the only way you’ll get them to go to the doctor is in the back of an ambulance! Listen to Richard as he talks about the impact doctors have on our lives and how Jesus is like the best doctor we could ever have.
Spirit of Hope
Have you ever been embarrassed in public for a mistake you’ve made? What did it feel like? It can be hard to get over the ridicule from others, so I hope you can join us this week to hear some encouragement for the times we feel put down.