No Need To Fear Anxiety comes in many forms: excessive worry, inability to make even the simplest decisions, discouraging thoughts, edginess, irritability, and panic attacks to name a few. This booklet takes a look at some of the sources of anxiety and points to a source of help and hope so that we can stop […]
Mental Health
Dealing With Depression Booklet
Dealing with Depression Depression affects people from all ages, races, economic groups and genders. It can result from a specific event or a chemical imbalance in the nervous system. The causes are numerous; however, depression should be dealt with effectively so that it can be managed. This booklet explores some of the many causes of […]
No Shame
“When we talk about the ’not enoughs’ – I’m not pretty enough, not rich enough, not, present enough with my kids, the root cause of the ‘not enoughs’ says shame. I’m afraid to go there. I don’t want to be known that I’m not enough. So, I just, kind of block it and try and bury it as much as you can.” No-one is immune from shame. Listen as Anna, a counsellor, talks about what shame really is and what we can do about it.
Living Water
Are you thirsty? Are you thirsting for love, forgiveness and approval? Trying to quench those thirsts can be difficult but there is a way. Listen as Noel Due shares stories that offer hope to quench those thirsts
Overcoming Depression
Over 2 million people in Australia live with depression. And one in seven will experience depression in their lifetime. Listen as David shares his journey with depression and where he now finds hope.
Letting Go Of Tomorrow
With the pandemic continuing to disrupt our lives, there’s a sense of being worn out from the constant shifting of the goal posts, and the sheer exhaustion of dealing with all the change that brings. Listen to Richard, Jo and Celia as they talk about how we can live in this ‘new normal’. Hear what Jesus went through and how he understands and walks with us.
Being Well
I think COVID kind of exposed a few things that identified what we did hope in and what we thought our well-being was in, even something as simple as going to the football or whatever it might be, was just taken away. So where do we then centre that? Where do we place our hope? Well-being can be physical, emotional and spiritual. But what does it actually mean and how do you find it? Listen to Richard, Celia and Anna share their insights into well-being and how to find the source of peace.
Out of the Cyclone
Out of the Cyclone “I like to describe depression as a vortex, like a cyclone or a tornado or something like that. You’ve sort of got control while you’re at the end of it. But as you start cycling into that tornado, you start losing control. Sometimes you just felt like, is this going to […]
We hear a lot more about mental health these days and that it’s an issue for many people. But how do you know when things like sadness or tiredness or lack of motivation has deepened into something like depression? Listen this week as Celia talks with Rosemary who has lived with depression throughout her life.
Finding Peace Booklet
Finding Peace Anxiety has become epidemic. Many of us are frazzled by family problems, stress at work, financial woes, and a thousand other hassles. If you are chronically troubled by fatigue, edginess, a churning stomach, heart pains, trembling and shaking, dizziness, and/or migraine headaches, you are not alone. Like millions of other people, you may […]